Monday, October 08, 2007

Greetings, Yeang Chiong here. One of the programmers that is working on Orange Island - Second Life. During the first week, I spent 1 week volunteering for SGCC and was not around to experiment around with Second Life. Time passed and the second week came. I reported to the lab for and there were some tutorials we had to go through. This is a sample of a tutorial exercise. Changing our character's feature and looking for this location that allow us to sit upside down.

We also spent the second week attending lessons that is held in Second Life. Our supervisor, Ms Dio gave us a schedule with the classes that we should attend in order to know more about SL (Second Life). We attended programming classes, classes that teaches us how to reduce lag and our designers attended sculpturing classes.

On the third week, we went to visit our client's workplace in order to know more about what they wanted and what was available since our client does not wish to have the things they have to exist within SL. They decided to name their project the Orange Island.

Our proposal had to be re-edited, we are currently in the phase of discussing a new game and a new concept that will suit our client's needs.

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