Friday, April 06, 2007

SL-island :: Building practice

I started working on the 3rd conference room. The theme is "Lush Rome". The idea is to build colosseums inside a very Greek looking building, and have lots of European arts hanging on the wall. But of course, because of the 'chat range' the building can't be too big. Currently this room is incomplete, so I shan't post any picturesof it.
Also, I have discovered this rather empty sandbox. Pretty neat place, no lags, and all the privacy you want to do your stuff. If you want the location, IM me in-game and I'll give you a landmark. Let's keep this place private and quiet ok? Haha... I went there to practice more building, and I did a little fountain with turtles on a rock. Since it's an experiment (and also of complaints that my pictures lag the blog... >p) I'll not post any pictures until I'm satisfied with my work.
Til next time.

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