Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Training sessions

This first week of the projects is for training. For this Wednesday 7/March and Thursday 8/March, students are required to attend the following training sessions:

  1. NCI Class: Basic Building @ Usability Island. Instructor: Mera Pixel
    Sponsored by: Useful Technology
    Learn the basics of building in Second Life. Rez, shape, and texture prims.
  2. The Tao of Torus. Instructor: Dorie Bernstein
    Variety of uses for the torus
  3. Beginning Building (Building Basics). Instructor: Dorie Bernstein
    `` Turning an object physical
    `` Flexi-prim (flexible path)
  4. NCI Class: Second Life 101 @ L Word1 Island. Instructor: Simone Stern
    This class will cover some of the basic knowledge that will keep you from saying 'Wow, if I'd only known that when I started!'
  5. Simple Scripts. Instructor: Dorie Bernstein
    How to put a script in an object
    How to make minor changes to a script
  6. Fireworks display. Host: Tommy Parrot

A notecard with instructions has been passed to everybody in Second Life. I'll join some of the sessions, my SL name is Chica Digital. See you all there!

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